let say I have the following properties in my application.properties
And I have this method,
public String getUrl(String year) {
String url;
// here I want to read the property value based on the value of year
// if year is "2019", I want to get the value of ${url.2019}
// if year is "2020", I want to get the value of ${url.2020}
// something like #{url.#{year}} ??
return url;
What is the best way to achieve this?
Thank you.
There could be multiple ways to achieve this
If your properties are not managed by spring
If it is managed by spring
1.) you can define a map in application.properies, can inject the map in your code read whichever property you want
2) you can inject environment variable and read property on demand
private Environment environment;
public String getUrl(String year) {
String url = "url." + year ;
String value =environment.getProperty(url);
return url;