I am trying to grab the first value of courseNumber
for studenId=123
using Rest Assured.
When I using
I am getting:
Expected: <1000000000>
Actual: [1000000000, 1000000001, 1000000002, 1000000003, ...........]
There are more than 10 courseList for studentId 123. Also is it possible to use regex to grab a particular element from JSON Response or how do I get the path of an element when I have a few thousand lines of JSON Response.
Sample Response -
"students": [
"studentId": "ABC",
"studentName": "Abcd Abcd",
"courseDescription": "AAJSHKJASSJAK LASNLKASA KJk;;K K;;KK;K;KL;K;",
"creditRemaining": 100,
"classStartDate": "20191220"
"studentId": "123",
"studentName": "DEFG, VBNH",
"courseDescription": "AAJSHKJASSJAK LASNLKASA KJk;;K K;;KK;K;KL;K;",
"classSchedule": 2,
"classStartDate": "20191220",
"slotsRemaining": 10,
"courseList": [
"courseNumber": 1000000000,
"courseName": "Chemistry",
"courseInstructor": "HGJ IOUIOU"
"courseCity": "New York",
"courseLevel": 100,
"description": "GJKJLKJLafgdhgf ljkllklk klyiyy mnbbnkljlkj
"courseNumber": 1000000001,
"courseName": "History",
"courseInstructor": "HGJ IOUIOU"
"courseCity": "New York",
"courseLevel": 100,
"description": "GJKJLKJLafgdhgf ljkllklk klyiyy mnbbnkljlkj yttiuyuyuyoyo
students.courseList.courseNumber[0][0] --> will give 1000000000
students.courseList.courseNumber[0][1] --> will give 1000000001