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gevent/threading causes some deadlock

I have this code, whose purpose is to dedupe requests.

def dedup_requests(f):
    pending = {}

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        key = _make_call_key(args, kwargs)
        if key not in pending:
            pending[key] = gevent.spawn(f, *args, **kwargs)
        result = pending[key].get()
        if key in pending:
            del pending[key]
        return result

    return wrapped

I suspect it is causing a deadlock somehow (this happens once in awhile, and I can't reproduce it).

It happens both when using threading and gevent.

Is the recurring use of get allowed?

Can this code even produce a deadlock when threading is not involved?

Note that it runs under other gevent tasks, so spawned tasks might spawn additional tasks, in case that's an issue.


  • Though I still don't exactly understand the source of the deadlock (my best guess is that get doesn't really work as expected when called more than once), this seems to work:

    from gevent import lock
    def queue_identical_calls(f, max_size=100):
        pending = {}
        def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
            key = _make_call_key(args, kwargs)
            if key not in pending:
                pending[key] = lock.BoundedSemaphore(1)
            lock_for_current_call = pending[key]
            result = f(*args, **kwargs)
            if len(pending) > max_size:
            return result
        return wrapped