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How to dynamically reuse resolvers in Apollo?

Say I have the following query:

// queries.js

const GET_FOO = gql`
  query Foo {
    foo {
      baz @client
      qux @client

And the following resolvers:

// resolvers.js

export default {
  Foo: {
    baz: root => computeBaz(),
    qux: root => computeQux(root.baz),

root.baz is undefined.

Is it possible to reuse baz in computing qux? I couldn't find a solution for this in the docs.


  • I figured it out.

    Here are all the params passed to a resolver:

    fieldName: (obj, args, context, info) => result;

    We can use the context to pass data between resolvers:

    export default {
      Foo: {
        baz: (root, _args, context) => {
          context.baz = computeBaz()
          return context.baz;
        qux: (root, _args, context) => {
          return computeQux(context.baz);

    Also see the docs on local state.