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Outer join using Cube.js

I am using Cube.js for fetching the data from Postgres. By default, cube.js does a left join on 2 selected tables. Is there any way to get the result by Full Outer Join?

User Register Table
1 10.00
3 9.00

Last Active Table
1 11.00
2 10.00

So output I want is
ID Last_active_time Register_time
1 11.00 10.00
2 10.00 ----
3 ---- 9.00


  • Cube.js uses only LEFT JOIN to express relationship between cubes for the purpose of encouraging right Cube.js schema design: Your case can be expressed as following Cube.js schema:

    cube(`Users`, {
      sql: `
      SELECT DISTINCT id FROM users_register 
      SELECT DISTINCT id FROM last_active`,
      joins: {
        UsersRegister: {
          sql: `${Users}.id = ${UsersRegister}.id`,
          relationship: `hasMany`
        UsersLastActive: {
          sql: `${Users}.id = ${UsersLastActive}.id`,
          relationship: `hasMany`
      dimensions: {
        id: {
          sql: `id`,
          type: `number`,
          primaryKey: true
    cube(`UsersRegister`, {
      sql: `select * from users_register`,
      measures: {
        registerTime: {
          sql: `time`,
          type: `min`
      dimensions: {
        id: {
          sql: `id`, // if id is unique within users_register
          type: `number`,
          primaryKey: true
    cube(`UsersLastActive`, {
      sql: `select * from last_active`,
      measures: {
        lastActiveTime: {
          sql: `time`,
          type: `max`
      dimensions: {
        id: {
          sql: `id`, // if id is unique within last_active
          type: `number`,
          primaryKey: true

    Query to get desired result:

      measures: ['UsersLastActive.lastActiveTime', 'UsersRegister.registerTime'],
      dimensions: ['']