I have a Google Spreadsheets document with two columns: first a date column and then a text column (there are more columns in reality). The content of the text column ends with a number. If I select a line and drag it down to fill the next lines automatically, both values increments. If I hold down the Ctrl
key, no value increments.
Is there a way to increment the date column but not the text column?
Google Sheets is not so versatile to possess the option to "disable auto increment for a specific column", but there are always workarounds/compromises...
for example dates:
=ARRAYFORMULA(TEXT(ROW(INDIRECT(DATE(2019; 10; 30)&":"&TODAY()+1)); "dd.mm.yyyy"))
will populate dates between the given date (30.10.2019) and tomorrow's day. each day will be added a row with a date.
to repeat same text:
will repeat given text as many times as are dates in E column