I have a JSON file where the objects are in this form:
"timestamp": 1568811686,
"attachments": [
"data": [
"external_context": {
"url": "https://media2.giphy.com/media/ce1ARlVo9jPdhwbOKL/v1.Y2lkPTEyMGMwMTQ3NTRjOGMwMjc2MTU2NzE5NmRiODQ5NzY5MTEyN2JmMmZmZTMwNjg3Mg/giphy-downsized.gif"
"title": "Name Surname ha commentato il post di Name Surname."
but not everyone has the key 'url'. I'm tring to add this objects on a neo4j db using py2neo and I wrote the function below to do it:
for comment in comments['comments']:
if 'data' in comment:
group = ''
for d in comment['data']:
comment = d['comment']['comment'].encode('latin1')
if 'group' in d['comment']:
group = d['comment']['group'].encode('latin1')
if group == '':
node = Node('Comment', timestamp=timestamp, title=title, comment=comment_text)
node = Node('Comment', timestamp=timestamp, title=title, comment=comment_text, group=group)
if 'attachments' in comment:
for attachments in comment['attachments']:
for d in attachments['data']:
if 'external_context' in d:
url = d['external_context']['url']
print url
For testing, I'm just printing the url variable, but here I have some troubles, in fact if I run this code the second if (if 'attachments' in comment: ) is not executed, but if I invert the two if statement the code is correctly execute. Why?
You mutate the variable comment
inside the loop while iterating on it. This usually cause nasy bugs and considered as forbidden.
for d in comment['data']:
comment = d['comment']['comment']
Just change the comment inside the loop to something else.