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Trying to use GmailApp.sendEmail - Getting Missing access token for authorization

I'm trying to use the GmailApp.sendEmail() within an Add-on I'm currently working on, and even though I've given it the necessary scopes, it's still failing to send the message with:

"Access denied: : Missing access token for authorization. Request: MailboxService.SendMessage."

Added all scopes needed within the project manifest file:

 "oauthScopes" : [

.gs file

function validateRecipients(e) {
  var toEmails = e.draftMetadata.toRecipients, ccEmails = e.draftMetadata.ccRecipients, bccEmails = e.draftMetadata.bccRecipients, domains = [], uniqueDomains = [];
  var allEmails = toEmails.concat(ccEmails, bccEmails);
  for (var i = 0; i < allEmails.length; i++) {
    domains[i] = allEmails[i].split("@").pop().split(".")[0]; 
  uniqueDomains = domains.filter(listUnique);
  if(uniqueDomains.length <= 2 && uniqueDomains.indexOf("verasafe") != -1) {
    Logger.log("This Message is Good to Go");

  else if(uniqueDomains.length == 0) {
    Logger.log("This Message has no recipients");

  else {
    Logger.log("Please Validate Receipients of this Message and Try again");
    GmailApp.sendEmail("", "Disclosure Alert", "This message might be sent to the following multiple external domains:");


  • Add that one : "",

    I think it's where your error is coming from.