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Is there any way to get the key type of a SecKey?

Given a SecKey, is there any way to infer its type (e.g. whether it is kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA or kSecAttrKeyTypeEC)?

I see SecKeyGetTypeID(), but it is unclear to me what key object this function operates on as it accepts no parameters.


  • You can retrieve the kSecAttrKeyType from the key and check if it is kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA (or kSecAttrKeyTypeEC). Example (taken from SwiftyRSA):

    func isRSAKey(seckey: SecKey) -> Bool {
        guard let attributes = SecKeyCopyAttributes(seckey) as? [CFString: Any],
            let keyType = attributes[kSecAttrKeyType] as? String else {
                return false
        let isRSA = keyType == (kSecAttrKeyTypeRSA as String)
        return isRSA