I would like to send a Telnet command or start a *.bat file when I get a result in a SQL view. I am using SQL Express and so don't have the SQL Server Agent.
I am trying to launch a cue in a lighting software, 30 minutes before one of our shows starts. The software listens to Telnet commands or bat files.
Could anyone suggest a free software of a way to do this from within SQL Express Server thru SSMS?
Thanks in advance,
I think the best option you have is to use Windows Task Scheduler. Create a PowerShell script that selects the records from your View and if the count is greater than 0 launch the .bat file .
Example :
$query = "SELECT * FROM MY_VIEW"
$results = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance "yourserver\instance" -Database "yourdatabase" -Username "username" -Password "password" -Query $query
if ($results.Count() -gt 0){
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