I have been using awesome for some years and like it alot. I'm regularly using Super+h
and Super+l
to change with of master.
But I would like to be able to change the hight of the active client (master or non-master) if ther is several in the same column. I can do this with the mouse but would like to connect some shortcut-key to it.
I think incwfact and setwfact is the way to go, but I don't understand how its working or how I should use it.
So say I have the following setup and the currently focused window is 3:
| 1 | 2 |
| | |
| +-------+
| | (3) |
Now I would like to hit shortcut Super-j
(I know this is the default for focus-next, but I'm ok with changing that) and have 3 grow some. So the new layout would be:
| 1 | 2 |
| +-------+
| | (3) |
| | |
-thing that can be set and inc(reased), but what is it?wfact
is short for window factor
. Each window gets a fraction of the available space. The idea is that a window with a window factor of 0.4 gets 40% of the available space.
I would just copy the bindings in the default config for Mod4+l and Mod4+h. These change the master window factor (mwfact
). Change the code to call awful.client.incwfact
instead of awful.tag.incmwfact
Personally, I consider this window factor business quite non-intuitive. Besides that... dunno.
A quick look at the result of Mod4+S
did not find anything. I guess "no".
I don't know. Well, let's try this from another angle:
But I would like to be able to change the hight of the active client (master or non-master) if ther is several in the same column. I can do this with the mouse but would like to connect some shortcut-key to it.
From a quick look at awful.layout.suit.tile
: The mouse-resize code computes some numbers based on math that I do not understand immediately. At the end of the calculations, it does the following to save its calculations:
= math.min(math.max(new_mwfact, 0.01), 0.99)
client.setwfact(math.min(math.max(wfact,0.01), 0.99), c)
Thus, everything that can be done with mouse-resizing should also be doable by changing the master width factor and the window factor.