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Filtering out JWT and Bearer tokens with VCR

I'm working with the Google Drive API via the Google Drive Ruby gem and using VCR to record requests.

I'm authenticating via JWT under the hood, and want to filter out both the JWT request and the bearer token which gets returned.

As I don't know either the JWT token or the Bearer token which Google gives me at runtime, I can't use filter_sensitive_data. As a result, I've got the following mess of code to filter after the tests run in order to sanitise my cassettes:

after(:each) do |example|
  # Filter out JWT and bearer tokens from requests
  if VCR.current_cassette.recording?
    interactions = VCR.current_cassette.new_recorded_interactions
    # Remove JWT token
    interactions.first.request.body.gsub! /(?<=assertion\=).*/, '<JWT_TOKEN>'
    # Get and replace access token from body
    body = JSON.parse(interactions.first.response.body)
    access_token = body['access_token']
    body['access_token'] = '<ACCESS_TOKEN>'
    interactions.first.response.body = body.to_json
    # Replace access token in each auth request
    interactions.drop(1).each do |i|
      i.request.headers['Authorization'][0].gsub!(access_token, '<BEARER_TOKEN>')

My question is a two parter really - 1) is there another way to do this?; and 2) is this even necessary at all? Thoughts appreciated!


  • I used filter_sensitive_data and came up with this:

    VCR.configure do |config|
      config.filter_sensitive_data('<BEARER_TOKEN>') { |interaction|
        auths = interaction.request.headers['Authorization'].first
        if (match = auths.match /^Bearer\s+([^,\s]+)/ )

    When I test, the auth header inside the cassette looks like:

    - Bearer <BEARER_TOKEN>

    Notable assumptions:

    • An HTTP request should only contain a single auth header
    • However, that header might contain multiple comma-separated auths
    • The above code only captures an auth starting with 'Bearer'
    • You could tweak it for other types other than 'Bearer'