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Can one use different database credentials for Doctrine migrations in Symfony2?

How can one configure Symfony's DoctrineMigrationsBundle to use different database authentication credentials to its DoctrineBundle—or at very least, a different DoctrineBundle connection to that used elsewhere in the app?

We would like the app to connect to the database with only limited permissions, e.g. no ability to issue DDL commands such as CREATE, ALTER or DROP. However, migrations will need to execute such DDL commands and so should connect as a user with elevated permissions. Is this possible?


  • I know it's a very old post, but as it is the one which shows on a Google search on the subject, I add my solution, working with Symfony 4.

    First, you just have to define a new database connection in config/doctrine.yml (a new entity manager is NOT needed):

            default_connection: default
                    # This will be the connection used by the default entity manager
                    url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%'
                    driver: 'pdo_pgsql'
                    server_version: '11.1'
                    charset: UTF8
                    # This will be the connection used for playing the migrations
                    url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_URL)%'
                    driver: 'pdo_pgsql'
                    server_version: '11.1'
                    charset: UTF8
            # As usual... 

    You also have to define the DATABASE_MIGRATIONS_URL with the admin credentials in the .env file or in environnement variables:

    ###> doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###
    # Format described at
    # Database url used for migrations (elevated rights)
    ###< doctrine/doctrine-bundle ###

    Then, just execute your migrations with the --db option, passing the name of your new connection:

    php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --db=migrations