I'm setting up a web application that should generate the pdf of the selected row from a table. The pdf has a background image ($image.png) that is located in a different folder from the XSL file ($template).
The managed bean get's the template and with a XML generate a PDF.
bean (ViewController\Application Sources\view\bean)
$image (ViewController\Web Content\resources\background)
$template (ViewController\Web Content\resources\stylesheet)
The only way i was able to get the image was using the absolute path (file:\\C:\some\folder\image.png).
<fo:simple-page-master page-height="29.7cm" page-width="21cm">
<fo:region-body background-image="file:\\\background/image.png"/>
I'm trying to get the relative project path when the project is launched with the Weblogic.
The path to the file starts from the context-root, to get that I deployed the project in the local weblogic, and from the console, I got the context-root.
I'm still not sure of the currect path for my problem, but for the moment i was able to display the image using:
<fo:region-body background-image="url('
Note: I now use the 'url' tag instead of 'file:///' tag.
The next step is to get the relative path.
I'd like to thank every one who tried to answer my question.