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Spring Boot test: get @Autowired to work without using `SpringRunner`

I am writing a pact provider test in a Spring Boot application. The controller has two dependencies for which one of them should be mocked and the other one shouldn't.

Since I am writing the pact test (which I'm new to it), I have to use @RunWith(RestPactRunner.class) on top of my test class.

in my test class I use @Autowired on the dependency that I don't want to mock but since I can't use SpringRunner my test doesn't know how to find the dependency and leaves it as null.

Here is the pact provider test:

public class SampleProviderTest {
    private MetadataController metadataController;

    private BlockService blockService; // dependency #1: to be mocked

    private BlockMapper blockMapper; // dependency #2: to be injected

    public final MockMvcTarget target = new MockMvcTarget();

    public void before() {
        metadataController = new MetadataController(blockService, blockMapper);

    * you can ignore the rest of this test class

    @State("block info")
    public void blockInfo() {
        Block requestedBlock = new Block();
        when(blockService.getBlockInfo(123L, 12345L, "S1", "B1")).thenReturn(requestedBlock);


- how do I get this test to pick up the right implementation for the dependency #2 above (blockMapper)? right now it remains null


  • after struggling with how to find the BlockMapper (actual implementation) without using @Autowired I finally used mapstruct's Mapper class to find the implementation in my test, that's how I did it:

    public class SampleProviderTest {
        private MetadataController metadataController;
        private BlockService blockService; // dependency #1: to be mocked
        public final MockMvcTarget target = new MockMvcTarget();
        public void before() {
            // dependency #2: to be injected
            BlockMapper blockMapper = Mappers.getMapper(BlockMapper.class);
            metadataController = new MetadataController(blockService, blockMapper);
        * removed the remainder...