I have a question about drawing half of a UIBezierPath
. How do I fill left part (left from thumb) with green color and right part (right from thumb) with white color without using CAGradientLayer
Code I used to create Bezier Path - https://gist.github.com/robertmryan/67484c74297cede3926a3aed2fceedb9
Screenshot of what I want to achieve:
One approach is to add a mask layer to your curved-path shape layer.
When the "thumb" position changes, change the width of the mask to reveal only the "left-side" of the shape layer.
Create a shape layer to use as the mask:
let maskLayer: CALayer = {
let layer = CALayer()
layer.backgroundColor = UIColor.black.cgColor
return layer
In viewDidLoad()
set that layer as the mask for the curved-shape layer:
pathLayer.mask = maskLayer
Whenever the "thumb" position is set, update the width of the mask:
func updateMask(at point: CGPoint) -> Void {
var f = view.bounds
f.size.width = point.x
maskLayer.frame = f
I posted a modified version of your gist at: https://gist.github.com/DonMag/a2154e70a3c67193a7b19bee41c8fe95
It really has only a few changes... look for comments beginning with // DonMag -
Here is the result (with an imageView behind it to show the transparency):
After comments, the goal is to have the "right-side" of the track path be white instead of transparent.
Using the same approach, we can add a white shape layer on top of the original shape layer, and mask it to show only the right-hand-side.
Here is an updated gist - https://gist.github.com/DonMag/397dfbe4779e817531ef7a663365b2e7 - showing this result: