A column in a csv file that I am has 3 letters: c, e, and n. When I am importing the data, I want them to change to 2, 1, and 0, respectively. When I run CASE WHEN in the SET statement, the table only returns 2 for every row. What am I doing wrong here?
load data local infile 'C:\\Scripts\\Storagefile.csv'
into table infra.storage
fields terminated by ','
enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\r\n'
ignore 1 rows
(status, gasday, gasinstorage, percent_full, net_change, injection, withdrawal, workingstorage, injection_cap, withdrawal_cap, @dummy)
status = (SELECT case
when status = 'C' then 2
when status = 'E' then 1
when status = 'N' then 0 end),
entity = 'EU',
gasinstorage = gasinstorage * 3.142142,
net_change = net_change * 3.142142,
injection = injection * 3.142142,
withdrawal = withdrawal * 3.142142,
workingstorage = workingstorage * 3.142142,
injection_cap = injection_cap * 3.142142,
withdrawal_cap = withdrawal_cap * 3.142142,
reportdate = current_timestamp()
Here is a sql solution for that purpose. To preprocess the input, you need to first assign the CSV value to a variable, and then use the set
This should be close to what you want:
load data local infile 'C:\\Scripts\\Storagefile.csv'
into table infra.storage (
fields terminated by ','
enclosed by '"'
lines terminated by '\r\n'
ignore 1 rows
status = case @status
when 'C' then 2
when 'E' then 1
when 'N' then 0
entity = 'EU',
gasinstorage = @gasinstorage * 3.142142,
net_change = @net_change * 3.142142,
injection = @injection * 3.142142,
withdrawal = @withdrawal * 3.142142,
workingstorage = @workingstorage * 3.142142,
injection_cap = @injection_cap * 3.142142,
withdrawal_cap = @withdrawal_cap * 3.142142,
reportdate = current_timestamp()