I have a custom report involving 3 dataitems in 1 dataset, the main dataitem is the "Customer" table and the only filter on the report is "No." as you can see below
report 50105 CustomerHistory
Caption = 'Customer Sales History';
UsageCategory = Administration;
ApplicationArea = All;
RDLCLayout = 'CustomerHistoryRpt.rdlc';
WordLayout = 'CustomerHistoryRpt.docx';
dataitem(Customer; Customer)
RequestFilterFields = "No.";
column(CustomerNumber; "No.") { }
column(Name; Name) { }
column(Balance; "Balance (LCY)") { }
column(E_Mail; "E-Mail") { }
column(Phone_No_; "Phone No.") { }
The report runs fine when I use the URL with report id:
https://businesscentral.dynamics.com/<tenant id>/?report=50105
but I cannot pass a customer No. in the URL I am always getting "the filter string contains invalid parameters"
I followed the below link for examples:
I tried the below combinations and none of them works:
https://businesscentral.dynamics.com/<tenant id>/?report=50105&filter=%27No.%27%20IS%20%271452%27
https://businesscentral.dynamics.com/<tenant id>/?report=50105&filter=%27Customer.No.%27%20IS%20%271452%27
https://businesscentral.dynamics.com/<tenant id>/?report=50105&filter=%27CustomerNumber%27%20IS%20%271452%27
https://businesscentral.dynamics.com/<tenant id>/?report=50105&filter=%27Customer.CustomerNumber%27%20IS%20%271452%27
https://businesscentral.dynamics.com/<tenant id>/?report=50105&filter=%27No.%27%20:%20%271452%27
I found out that this is still not supported in BC similar to NAV:
the workaround I did is to create a custom page with list parts and access the page through URL.