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How to set a specific file order for each file in a local macro

I have a loop in Stata referring to a local macro which I use to run several actions (create a file, run script associated with each file etc.).

Everything is fine but I would like to change the order in which the files are read in the loop, which by default is alphabetical.

My loop looks as follows:

foreach file of local myfiles {
    noisily display as text "some text"

Besides the display command, the script continues with my code.

Is there a way to customize the order in which the loop addresses the files stored in the local macro?

I would like to achieve this without changing the file names.


  • The following works for me:

    local myfiles myfile1.dta myfile2.dta myfile3.dta myfile4.dta
    tokenize `myfiles'
    foreach x in `3' `1' `4' `2' {
        display "`x'"

    Another way is the following:

    local myfiles myfile1.dta myfile2.dta myfile3.dta myfile4.dta
    local mf myfile2.dta myfile3.dta
    local myfiles `mf' `: list myfiles - mf'
    display "`myfiles'"
    myfile2.dta myfile3.dta myfile1.dta myfile4.dta