I want to compare 2d numpy array with the single x_min , x_max and same for the value of y but I didn't understand the concept of loop in this case how to define loop to compare and use numpy.where_logical_and.
import numpy as np
group_count = 0
xy = np.array([[116,2306],[118,2307],[126,1517]])
idx = np.array([[0,0],[0,1]])
group1 = []
for l in xy:
for i in idx:
for j in range(1):
x_temp = xy[idx[i][j]]
x1 = x_temp[0][0]
y1 = x_temp[0][1]
x1_max = x1 + 60
x1_min = x1 - 60
y1_max = y1 +60
y1_min = y1 - 60
range_grp_1 = [x1_max,x1_min,y1_min,y1_max]
grp1 = [x1,y1]
grp_1 = np.array(grp1)
if group_count != 0:
print('group count greater than 0')
if np.where((l[i]>x1_min) and (l[i]<x1_max) and (l[i]>y1_min) and (l[i]<y1_max)):
ValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous. Use a.any() or a.all()
I post a new code here.
As you said you have a lot of points and the ranges seems to variate, I propose you to wrap the control inside a function, so you can call it as many times as you need to, passing the range of coordinates to be evaluated.
# function to return max and min of list of coordinates
def min_max(coords):
xy = np.array(coords)
xs = [] #save 'x' values
for i in range(len(xy)):
x = [xy[i][0]]
ys = [] #save 'y' values
for i in range(len(xy)):
y = [xy[i][1]]
rangex = []
rangey = []
for x in min(xs): #get min 'x'
minx = x - 60
maxx = x + 60
for y in min(ys): #get min 'y'
miny = y - 60
maxy = y + 60
return [rangex,rangey]
If you pass the same coordinates you posted the first time, it returns
Execution #1:
coords = [[116,2306],[118,2307],[126,1517]]
my_ranges = min_max(coords)
#[[56, 176], [1457, 1577]]
Or if you pass just the new range you gave me:
Execution #2:
new_coord = [[518,2007]]#pay attention to the format
my_ranges = min_max(new_coord)
#[[458, 578], [1947, 2067]]
And the last part of the code. The one that separates the groups if they belongs to the evaluated range or not.
#changed again:
group1 = [] #coords in the interval
group2 = [] #coords out of the interval
for l in dynCoords:
pair = [l[0],l[1]]
if l[0] in range(my_ranges[0][0],my_ranges[0][1]) and l[1] in range(my_ranges[1][0],my_ranges[1][1]):
#new line appended
my_ranges = min_max(group2)
With the original coordinates [[116,2306],[118,2307],[126,1517]] the groups [118,2307],[126,1517] got out of the range, and went to group2. With the new line appended they were used to change the minimun threshold again, now it goes from 56-2246 for xs and 176-2366 for ys. Let's say you use group2 in dynCoords, dynCoords = group2 and execute what goes under the label #changed again, you get for group1: [[116, 2306], [118, 2307]] and group2 goes empty.
I think you can make a function for that part of the code too. And run it as many times as you need to treat all your coordinates set.