I am trying to access the array variable outside the invoke command. I tried the below code, where I cannot access the remote array variable from my local session.
$serverlist = @("server1", "server2")
foreach ($server in $serverlist) {
#Write-Host $computer
$vinodh = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock {
$testVar = @("Stack", "over", "flow")
foreach ($vars in $testVar) {
Write-Host $vars # Unable to get the values as stack,over, flow
Actual results: unable to get values.
I expect the output as
stack over flow
Variables set inside the remote session were not populated to the local powershell session (About Scopes). You could return
the values from the invoked session for using later.
$ReturnValues = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $Server -ScriptBlock {
return $testVar #return data
foreach ($ReturnValue in $ReturnValues)