Help required from people working on Google-AMP. I am trying to hide the navbar while scrolling down. and if while scrolling up show it again. I'm trying to hide header
<nav id="navToHide">Nvabar</nav>
AMP Animation Code my shote:
<amp-animation id="hideNav" layout="nodisplay">
<script type="application/json">
"duration": "200ms",
"fill": "forwards",
"iterations": "1",
"direction": "alternate",
"animations": [{
"selector": "#navToHide",
"keyframes": [{
"transform": "translateY(-180px)"
AMP position observer code:
<amp-position-observer on="enter:select-item1.start" layout="nodisplay"></amp-position-observer>
I wanna make something similar to navbar hide on scrolling. Like this example below.
I'm trying to avoid javascript
Theres a really simple way to do this using the amp-fx-collection's float-in attribute.
Add the required <amp-fx-collection>
script to the head of the page:
<script async custom-element="amp-fx-collection" src=""></script>
And apply the amp-fx='float-in-top'
attribute to your <nav>
You can see it demonstrated in this video: