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Devise Invitable controller seems not to be reached?

I installed devise-invitable and using the standard devise-invitable controller (which I didn't generate) it functions properly. However, when I tried generating a custom controller for devise-invitable, I encountered some issues. Please find below the steps I took.

Steps I took to generate the controller

  1. Following the documentation of devise I tried generating the invitations controller via the console which failed:
rails generate devise:controllers users -c=invitations 

Running via Spring preloader in process 64830 
Could not find "invitations_controller.rb" in any of your source paths. Your current source paths are: 
  1. When this didn't work, I manually tried implementing:
    • a controller in the folder where all other devise controllers were generated
    • Adding the invitations controller to routes.rb

=> This didn't seem to work either, because I tried breaking the controller to see if it was reached, but it doesn't break.


class Users::InvitationsController < Devise::InvitationsController
  def new
    @hotel = Hotel.find(params[:park_id])
    @user =
    @user.hotel = @hotel
    text to cause an error message


Rails.application.routes.draw do
  devise_for :users, controllers: {
    sessions: 'users/invitations'


  • The problem is in your routes since an invitation is not an session.

    If you changes sessions to invitations in your routes then it will hit the users/invitations controller.

    # routes.rb
    Rails.application.routes.draw do
      devise_for :users, controllers: {
        invitations: 'users/invitations'