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How to insert values to the SQLite database from R.Data?

I am trying to insert data to sqlite database from R data.frame but I failed.

Here is the code in R studio I used.

So there two loops using which I'm trying to load all dbf files listed in the specified folders (working directory). And then I'm trying to insert data from R data.frame (df[[1]]) to the sqlite database (I have already created it) by sqldf or by dbExecute functions.

In case of dbExecute the function cannot read table from R data.frame (in this case df[[1]]).

In case of sqldf the function doesn't see all_banks table created earlier in the database.

Any ideas of how to handle this problem? Thank to all.


con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "banks.db")
for(path in c("F:~/123-20190901",
  ldf <- list()
  listdbf <- dir(pattern = "*.DBF")
  for (k in 1:length(listdbf)){
     ldf[[k]] <- read.dbf(listdbf[k])

  df1 <- ldf[[1]]
  df2 <- ldf[[2]]
  dbExecute(con, "insert into all_banks select DT, REGN, name_b from df1")
  sqldf("insert into all_banks select DT, REGN, name_b from df1")

Error: no such table: df1
Error: no such table: all_banks


  • Fundamentally, sqldf and dbExecute are two different processes where the former works in local environment and latter works in an external database (albeit with noted exceptions).

    Per docs,

    sqldf is an R package for running SQL statements on R data frames, optimized for convenience.

    Therefore, sqldf, runs on R data frames in local environment. By default, sqldf is not used to make changes to a persistent, external database. Technically, it runs an in-memory SQLite database which does not save after R session. Consequently, if all_banks is not a data frame in global environment, it will not be recognized by sqldf. With that said, there is an advanced way of using sqldf with a permanent SQLite database. But below solution is arguably easier.

    Per docs, DBI::dbExecute

    Executes a statement and returns the number of rows affected.

    With first argument:

    conn: A DBIConnection object, as returned by dbConnect().

    Therefore, dbExecute runs commands on an external database and within its scope does not use local environment objects. Consequently, if df1 is not a table in database, it will not be recognized by dbExecute.


    To resolve your database append needs, simply use DBI's dbWriteTable which pushes a local R data frame into an external database table (assuming same structure on both end points unless using overwrite=TRUE). Such changes to table will remain permanent even after closing database connection or R session.

    dbWriteTable(con, name="all_banks", value=df1, append=TRUE)