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How to put citations (using BibTex) at the last chapter only (instead of at the end of every chapters)?

I have a bookdown document citing articles using a bibtex bibliography file. I have a "References" section at the end of the book in which I put all my list of citations using r if (knitr::is_html_output()) '# References {-}'

However, I want to get rid of the references that appear automatically in every chapters, and I wish when I click on a citation link, to be directly send to the citation on the reference section at the end of my book.

Is there a way to do that ?

Thank you for your help.


  • I assume you areusing the default bookdown::gitbook for HTML output. In that case you can adjust the split_bib variable via YAML headers, typically in _output.yml:

      split_bib: no

    See ?bookdown::gitbook for more options.