I am trying to capture the following sequence with the zabbix hostid -> itemid -> history
API, but it has not returned anything to me. I need this script to return the last values collected by ZABBIX, including item id + hostname
from zabbix.api import ZabbixAPI
from datetime import datetime
import time
zapi = ZabbixAPI(url='', user='Admin', password='zabbix')
fromTimestamp = int(time.mktime(datetime.now().timetuple()))
tillTimestamp = int(fromTimestamp - 60 * 60 * 1) # 1 hours
# Get only the host of the specified hostgroup
hosts = zapi.host.get(groupids='15',output='extend')
for host in hosts:
items = zapi.item.get(itemid='28689', host=host['host'], output='extend' )
for item in items:
values = zapi.history.get(itemids=item['itemid'], time_from=fromTimestamp, time_till=tillTimestamp, output='extend')
for historyValue in values:
Nothing returns me
There are a few issues on your code (static itemid
, missing params in the history.get
etc...), I'll try to sum up everything.
You are filtering by a static hostgroup id, so I assume that you have more than one host and you want the value of a specific item of each host, something like:
The output should be something like:
Timestamp Hostname ItemID ICMP Loss
xxxxxx1 host01 10011 0
xxxxxx2 host01 10011 10
xxxxxx3 host01 10011 10
xxxxxx4 host01 10011 15
xxxxxx1 host02 10026 100
xxxxxx2 host02 10026 100
xxxxxx3 host02 10026 100
xxxxxx4 host02 10026 100
xxxxxx1 host03 10088 0
xxxxxx2 host03 10088 10
xxxxxx3 host03 10088 0
xxxxxx4 host03 10088 0
A working python implementation:
groupFilter = {'name': 'MyHostGroup'}
itemFilter = {'name': 'ICMP Loss'}
# Get the hostgroup id by its name
hostgroups = zapi.hostgroup.get(filter=groupFilter, output=['groupids', 'name'])
# Get the hosts of the hostgroup by hostgroup id
hosts = zapi.host.get(groupids=hostgroups[0]['groupid'])
for host in (hosts):
# Get the item info (not the values!) by item name AND host id
items = zapi.item.get(filter=itemFilter, host=host['host'], output='extend', selectHosts=['host', 'name'])
# for loop - for future fuzzy search, otherwise don't loop and use items[0]
for item in items:
# Get item values
values = zapi.history.get(itemids=item['itemid'], time_from=fromTimestamp, time_till=tillTimestamp, history=item['value_type'])
for historyValue in values:
print( ......... ) # format here your output, values are stored in historyValue['value']