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SQL select latitude and longitude point within bounding box

I am using google map and I would like to query my SQL to find all point within the bounding box.

In google map, I am using this javascript to get the bounding rectangle

var bounds = map.getBounds();
var ne = bounds.getNorthEast(), sw = bounds.getSouthWest();
var args = {
    NW: { lat:, lng: sw.lng() },
    NE: { lat:, lng: ne.lng() },
    SE: { lat:, lng: ne.lng() },
    SW: { lat:, lng: sw.lng() },
}; //NW = North-West, NE = North-East, SE = South-East, SW = South-West

I am, then, using LINQ to select all places from my SQL database:

//nw = North-West, ne = North-East, se = South-East, sw = South-West
double minLat = Math.Min(nw.Lat, Math.Min(ne.Lat, Math.Min(se.Lat, sw.Lat)));
double maxLat = Math.Max(nw.Lat, Math.Max(ne.Lat, Math.Max(se.Lat, sw.Lat)));
double minLng = Math.Min(nw.Lng, Math.Min(ne.Lng, Math.Min(se.Lng, sw.Lng)));
double maxLng = Math.Max(nw.Lng, Math.Max(ne.Lng, Math.Max(se.Lng, sw.Lng)));

return (from rec in tblPlaces.AsNoTracking()
        where (rec.Lat >= minLat) && (rec.Lat <= maxLat) && (rec.Lng >= minLng) && (rec.Lng <= maxLng)
        select rec).ToList<tblPlace>();

It works well when it is on quite a zoom (google zoom <= 15). But when zooming out to country size (ie. you can see the whole country), it doesn't find the point in my database.

On the debugging, I found the longitude number is way smaller than any point in my database. How is it possible? I zoomed out to see the whole country.

Is the way I select the latitude and longitude is wrong?


  • I am not an expert in geography but this looks simple. Let us start with longitude. The bounding box could be on one side or across the antimeridian:

    -180         0         +180
      |                      |
      |       +-----+        |
      |   -10 |  x  | +10    |
      |       +-----+        |
      |                      |
      |                   +-----+
      |              +170 |  x  | -170
      |                   +-----+
      |                      |

    A given longitude exists inside the bounding box if:

    lng1 <= lng2 AND (lng1 <= lng AND lng <= lng2) /* both edges on same side */
    lng1 >  lng2 AND (lng1 <= lng OR  lng <= lng2) /* edges on opposite sides */

    A given latitude exists inside the bounding box if:

    lat1 >= lat2 AND (lat1 >= lat AND lat >= lat2) /* both edges on same side */
    lat1 <  lat2 AND (lat1 >= lat OR  lat >= lat2) /* edges on opposite sides */

    If latitudes do not wrap around e.g. in Google Maps API then opposite sides test is not required.

    Some tests on db<>fiddle and a jsFiddle showing how LatLngBounds work