I'm working on a project using an arduino uno board, I'm using an External interrupt tied to a switch I wanted this switch to work only if i sent an activation order to the board The Problem is that, if the switch is pressed before i send the command, i get a pressed state once i send the command, even the switch is not pressed, which mean the external interrupt save the state before i and retrieve it once i enable it here is a snippet of the code
volatile boolean EX_INT = 0, activate = 0;
const byte interruptBin = 3;
const byte ACTIVATE = 0x55;
unsigned char frame[] = {0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36};
void setup() {
pinMode(interruptBin, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop() {
if(activate == 1){
//EIMSK =0; EIFR = 0; I tried to clear the last interrupt but with no effect
activate = 0; EX_INT = 0;
while(EX_INT != 1);
EX_INT = 0;
Serial.write((uint8_t*)frame, sizeof(frame));
void serialEvent(){
while (Serial.available()){
value = Serial.read();
if(value == ACTIVATE)
activate = 1;
void buttonPressed()
EX_INT = 1;
You could check for activate
in your interrupt handler:
void buttonPressed()
if(activate) {
EX_INT = 1;