I'd like to access the clock rate (in Hz) as a term-level value, so that I can use it in counters.
One way I've been able to come up with so far involves unpacking the type-level Dom
ain into its clock period (in ps), and then converting it into a clock rate. However, this requires an extra KnownNat ps
constraint that will then infest everything that tries to use it, all the way up to topLevel
clkPeriod :: forall dom gated name ps. (dom ~ Dom name ps, KnownNat ps) => Clock dom gated -> Integer
clkPeriod clk = natVal (Proxy :: Proxy ps)
clkRate :: (dom ~ Dom name ps, KnownNat ps) => Clock dom gated -> Integer
clkRate clk = 10^12 `div` clkPeriod clk
Another way, that avoids introducing the extra KnownNat
constraint, is to import Clash.Signal.Internal
and pattern-match on the Clock
, since it contains an SNat
witness of the period:
import Clash.Signal.Internal (Clock(..))
clkPeriod :: Clock dom gated -> Integer
clkPeriod (Clock _ period) = snatToInteger period
clkPeriod (GatedClock _ period _) = snatToInteger period
clkRate :: Clock dom gated -> Integer
clkRate clk = 10^12 `div` clkPeriod clk
but this crashes the synthesizer
(guess I shouldn't be importing Clash.Signal.Internal
*** Exception: Clash.Rewrite.Util(566):
Can't create selector ("Clash.Normalize.Transformations(1136):doPatBndr",1,0) for:
($dKnownNat23000 :: GHC.Natural.Natural)
Additional info: TyCon has no DataCons:
Name {nameSort = User, nameOcc = GHC.Natural.Natural3674937295934324782, nameLoc = UnhelpfulSpan "<no location info>"} GHC.Natural.Natural3674937295934324782
Here is a full module exhibiting this problem (I tried synthesizing it with :vhdl
to get the above error):
module Test where
import Clash.Prelude hiding (clkPeriod)
import Data.Word
import Clash.Signal.Internal (Clock(..))
type FromHz rate = 1000000000000 `Div` rate
type Dom25 = Dom "CLK_25MHZ" (FromHz 25175000)
:: Clock Dom25 Source
-> Reset Dom25 Asynchronous
-> Signal Dom25 Bit
topEntity = exposeClockReset board
board = boolToBit <$> r
r = regEn False (counter .==. 0) (not <$> r)
counter = register clkrt $ mux (counter .==. 0) (pure clkrt) (pred <$> counter)
clkrt = fromIntegral $ hideClock clkRate
clkPeriod :: Clock dom gated -> Integer
clkPeriod (Clock _ period) = snatToInteger period
clkPeriod (GatedClock _ period _) = snatToInteger period
clkRate :: Clock dom gated -> Integer
clkRate clk = 10^12 `div` clkPeriod clk
My question is, is there a way to reify clkRate
in the term level without introducing any extra KnownNat
constraints, or importing any Internal
With Clash 1.0.0, this can be done without the creeping KnownNat
constraints OR without importing any Internal
module. The trick is to use knownDomain
to get the SDomainConfiguration
for a given clock domain, which will contain an SNat period
for the length of a single clock cycle (in picoseconds). By pattern matching on the SNat
constructor, the KnownNat
witness is brought in scope.
clkPeriod :: forall dom. (KnownDomain dom) => Clock dom -> Integer
clkPeriod clk = case knownDomain @dom of
SDomainConfiguration _ rate@SNat{} _ _ _ _ -> natVal rate
clkRate :: (KnownDomain dom) => Clock dom -> Integer
clkRate clk = 1_000_000_000_000 `div` clkPeriod clk
Here's the updated toplevel definition:
{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-}
module Test where
import Clash.Prelude hiding (clkPeriod)
import Data.Word
createDomain vSystem{vName="Dom25", vPeriod = hzToPeriod 25_000_000}
:: Clock Dom25
-> Reset Dom25
-> Enable Dom25
-> Signal Dom25 Bit
topEntity = exposeClockResetEnable board
board = boolToBit <$> r
r = regEn False (counter .==. 0) (not <$> r)
counter = register clkrt $ mux (counter .==. 0) (pure clkrt) (pred <$> counter)
clkrt = fromInteger @Word32 $ hideClock clkRate
I've tested that this works with synthesis, and the division to convert period length to clock rate is done at compile time.