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Pointcloud and RGB Image alignment on RealSense ROS

I am working on a dog detection system using deep learning (Tensorflow object detection) and Real Sense D425 camera. I am using the Intel(R) RealSense(TM) ROS Wrapper in order to get images from the camera.

I am executing "roslaunch rs_rgbd.launch" and my Python code is subscribed to "/camera/color/image_raw" topic in order to get the RGB image. Using this image and object detection library, I am able to infer (20 fps) the location of a dog in a image as a box level (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)

I will like to crop the PointCloud information with the object detection information (xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax) and determine if the dog is far away or near the camera. I will like to use the aligned information pixel by pixel between the RGB image and the pointcloud.

How can I do it? Is there any topic for that?

Thanks in advance


  • Intel publishes their python notebook about the same problem at:

    What they do is as follow :

    1. get color frame and depth frame (point cloud in your case) enter image description here enter image description here

    2. align the depth to color enter image description here

    3. use ssd to detect the dog inside color frame

    enter image description here enter image description here

    1. Get the average depth for detected dog and convert to meter
    depth = np.asanyarray(aligned_depth_frame.get_data())
    # Crop depth data:
    depth = depth[xmin_depth:xmax_depth,ymin_depth:ymax_depth].astype(float)
    # Get data scale from the device and convert to meters
    depth_scale = profile.get_device().first_depth_sensor().get_depth_scale()
    depth = depth * depth_scale
    dist,_,_,_ = cv2.mean(depth)
    print("Detected a {0} {1:.3} meters away.".format(className, dist))

    Hope this help