Context: I am working on an assignment for which I am using Pyomo in order to learn this framework. Here is the assignment :
From this problem, I understand that I should be introducing a binary variable in order to trigger the fixed cost constraint.
Here is my implementation :
from pyomo.environ import *
def part_4_april(data, limit_ballons, limit_labor):
model = ConcreteModel()
PACKAGES = data.keys()
model.x = Var(PACKAGES, within=NonNegativeReals)
model.y = Var(PACKAGES, within=Binary)
model.profit = Objective(
(data[p]["price"] - data[p]["cost"]) * model.x[p]
- data[p]["fixed_cost"] * model.y[p]
for p in PACKAGES
model.ballon_cst = Constraint(
expr=sum(data[p]["ballons"] * model.x[p] for p in PACKAGES) <= limit_ballons
model.labor_cst = Constraint(
expr=sum(data[p]["labor"] * model.x[p] for p in PACKAGES) <= limit_labor
model.fixed_cost_cst = Constraint(
expr=sum(model.x[p] - VERY_LARGE_NUMBER * model.y[p] for p in PACKAGES) <= 0
opt = SolverFactory("cbc")
results = opt.solve(model, tee=True)
return model
if __name__ == "__main__":
# part 4
data = {
"Standard": {"labor": 3, "ballons": 2, "cost": 2, "price": 3, "fixed_cost": 10},
"Joyful": {"labor": 5, "ballons": 5, "cost": 3, "price": 5, "fixed_cost": 5},
"Fabulous": {"labor": 8, "ballons": 8, "cost": 4, "price": 7, "fixed_cost": 1},
model = part_4_april(data, limit_ballons=360, limit_labor=500)
print("----- PART 4: April -----")
print("Profit:", model.profit())
for c in data.keys():
print(" ", c, ":", model.x[c]())
The code does not produce the expected output, instead, it must produce the following output :
# must produce :
# Profit: 188.0
# Standard : 140.0
# Joyful : 0.0
# Fabulous : 10.0
Is there a problem with my code or the way I use the binary variables ?
I finally found the solution with the comment from Bethany Nicholson and Erwin Kalvelangen - there were two issues with my code. First, the fixed cost must not contain sum
and should be applied to all packages individually
# NOT...
# model.fixed_cost_cst = Constraint(
# expr=sum(model.x[p] - VERY_LARGE_NUMBER * model.y[p] for p in PACKAGES) <= 0
# )
# must be applied to all packages individually
def fixed_cost_rule(model, p):
return model.x[p] - VERY_LARGE_NUMBER * model.y[p] <= 0
model.fixed_cost_cst = Constraint(PACKAGES, rule=fixed_cost_rule)
Second, the result must be 159 and not 188.