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TYPO3 Controller Class could not be found. Where do I link it?

I am developing an extension for TYPO3 v9.5.9, and have written all of my code, however when I try using the extension I get an error message saying

Class Secsign\Secsign\Controller\SecsignController does not exist. Reflection failed.

enter image description here

namespace Secsign\Secsign\Controller;

$apiPath = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extPath('secsign') . 'Resources/Public/SecSignIDApi/phpApi/SecSignIDApi.php';

use AuthSession;
use SecSignIDApi;
use \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;

 * SecsignController
class SecsignController extends ActionController

The controller does exist, but for some reason it can't be found. Where does this error occur? How do I fix it? Any hints are welcome.

The composer.json file looks like this:

    "name": "secsign/secsign",
    "type": "typo3-cms-extension",
    "description": "This extension allows users to authenticate using their smart phone running the SecSign App.",
    "authors": [
            "name": "SecSign Technologies Inc.",
            "role": "Developer"
    "require": {
        "typo3/cms-core": "^9.5"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Secsign\\Secsign\\": "Classes",
            "TYPO3\\CMS\\Secsign\\": "public/typo3conf/ext/secsign/Classes/"
    "autoload-dev": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Secsign\\Secsign\\Tests\\": "Tests"
    "replace": {
        "secsign/secsign": "self.version",
        "typo3-ter/secsign": "self.version"


  • There are 2 Ways how you can solve this:

    1. Load your Extension via the project composer.json

    Create a folder for your custom Extensions, I named it here Extensions and move all your custom Extensions into this folder. Your public/typo3conf/ext/ folder should now hold only Extensions loaded by composer and can be cleared at any time since a simple composer i will bring all Extensions back.

    └── projectRoot
        ├── Extensions
        │   └── secsign
        │       └── Classes
        ├── composer.json
        └── public
            └── typo3conf
                └── ext
                    └── secsign(symlink_by_composer)

    Add this to your project composer.json:

      "repositories": {
        "0": {
          "type": "composer",
          "url": ""
        "1": {
          "type": "path",
          "url": "./Extensions/*",
          "options": {
            "symlink": true
      "require": {
        "secsign/secsign": "*",

    Remove the second line from the autoload in your Extensions composer.json


      "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
          "Secsign\\Secsign\\": "Classes/"

    Now composer loads your project composer.json, finds your Extension, symlinks it into typo3conf/ext/ and reads your extensions composer.json and executes it.

    Loading all Ext into your project: When your done with all this changes, just do a composer update. This will load all your third party extensions into projectRoot/public/typo3conf/ext/ and symlink your custom extensions from secsign -> ../../../Extensions/secsign

    Adding more custom Extensions: Just add your custom extension into Extension/, make sure it has a valid composer.json and include it with

    composer req secsign/one-more-ext

    2. Add your Classes to your project composer.json

    Leave your Extension where it is, don't care about your extensions composer.json and just add your Classes to your project composer.json:

      "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
          "Secsign\\Secsign\\": "htdocs/typo3conf/ext/secsign/Classes/"

    Now composer autoloads the classes from your projects composer.json, your Extensions composer.json is not even executed.


    1. seems to be easier, but there are several reasons to go for 1.