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Error trying to run packer in AzureChinaCloud

I am trying to build a VM image from packer configuration using the following command:

    packer build \
        -var base_img=$base_img \
        -var client_id=$client_id \
        -var client_secret=$client_secret \
        -var tenant_id=$tenant_id \
        -var subscription_id=$subscription_id \
        -var az_cloud_environment_name=China \
        -only=azure-arm \

However, I am getting the following error and I could not find what it means and what the resolution of it is: Build 'azure-arm' errored: packer-azure application not set up for Azure environment "AzureChinaCloud"

Have anyone seen something like this?


  • This should only happen if you use the "quick start" device code flow - see e.g.

    It should not happen if you pass your own clientId and clientSecret. You probably did not use them correctly in your packer file

      "builders": [
          "type": "azure-arm",
          "client_id": "{{user `client_id`}}",
          "client_secret": "{{user `client_secret`}}",
          "vm_size": "Standard_DS2_v2"