I tried to install node-red-contrib-cos (for IBM Cloud Object Storage service) on IBM Cloud/Node-RED v1.0.1:
2019-10-28T15:29:51.265Z Install : node-red-contrib-cos 0.0.18
2019-10-28T15:30:03.407Z npm install --no-audit --no-update-notifier --save --save-prefix="~" --production node-red-contrib-cos@0.0.18
2019-10-28T15:30:13.380Z rc=null
It works okay on my Mac, same Node-RED version.
As hashed out in the comments
Node-RED node installs via the Manage palette option can fail when running on IBM Cloud due to the memory constraints for the application.
You have 3 options:
file as a dependency and restage the app. The restage process is not capped to the same memory limits.