I'm trying to make life easier for myself (and making a meal of it, I'm afraid) by writing some functions to help me with Gtk. It feels like I'm close, but no cigar.
I've defined a couple of structures:
typedef struct action_param {
void (*action_ptr)();
gpointer parameter;
} action_param_type;
typedef struct document {
GtkWindow *parent_window;
void (*save_action_ptr)();
void (*open_action_ptr)();
gchar* filename;
void* filedata;
} document_type;
And I've got functions which sets them up:
document_type build_document_with_characteristics(GtkWindow *parent_window,
void (*save_action_ptr),
void (*open_action_ptr),
gpointer filename,
gpointer filedata) {
struct document doc;
doc.parent_window = parent_window;
doc.save_action_ptr = save_action_ptr;
doc.open_action_ptr = open_action_ptr;
doc.filename = filename;
doc.filedata = filedata;
return doc;
action_param_type set_action_with_parameter(void (*action_ptr), gpointer action_parameter) {
action_param_type action;
action.action_ptr = action_ptr;
/*** these two lines for testing */
struct document *mydata = action_parameter;
// g_print("%s",mydata->filename);
action.parameter = action_parameter;
return action;
GtkWidget* create_menuitem_with_parameters(void* parent_menu, char* label, struct action_param menuaction) {
GtkWidget *menuitem = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(label);
gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(parent_menu), menuitem);
if (menuaction.action_ptr != NULL) {
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(menuitem), "activate", G_CALLBACK(menuaction.action_ptr), &menuaction.parameter);
return menuitem;
Which is called as follows:
struct document this_document = build_document_with_characteristics(GTK_WINDOW(window),&handle_save,&handle_open,"Test Title","Test Document");
create_menuitem_with_parameters(fileMenu, "Save", set_action_with_parameter(&show_save_dialogue,&this_document));
My problem at the moment (and I'm sure that I'll find some more problems) is that if I uncomment the g_print line (which is there to see if I've populated everything correctly), I get:
Segmentation fault: 11
I was wondering if the problem might be with this line:
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(menuitem), "activate", G_CALLBACK(menuaction.action_ptr), &menuaction.parameter);
I feel like I've just missed something obvious - but what is it?
I was calling set_action_with_parameter in an earlier function with action_parameter set to NULL. Which wasn't a problem as long as I didn't try to use it. As soon as I g_print'd though, Seg Fault.
@pan-mroku is right as far as they go - but this fits into my over-editing too.
The solution was simple - just check if it's NULL before using it:
action_param set_action_with_parameter(void (*action_ptr), gpointer action_parameter) {
action_param action;
action.action_ptr = action_ptr;
if (action_parameter != NULL) {
action.parameter = &action_parameter;
struct document *mydata = action_parameter;
return action;