I am trying to write a program to represent a min heap using an array. I know that the min heap is similar to a tree data structure where the root node is smaller than it's children. Here is my code:-
# include <stdio.h>
# include <math.h>
int leftChild(int i)
return 2 * i + 1;
int rightChild(int i)
return 2 * i + 2;
void minHeap(int Arr[], int n, int i)
int l, r, Least;
l = leftChild(i);
r = rightChild(i);
Least = i;
if(l < n && Arr[l] < Arr[Least])
Least = l;
if(r < n && Arr[r] < Arr[Least])
Least = r;
if(Least != i)
int Temp = Arr[i];
Arr[i] = Arr[Least];
Arr[Least] = Temp;
minHeap(Arr, n, Least);
int main(void)
int n;
printf("\nEnter number of elements : ");
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("\nEnter The Elements : ");
int Arr[n];
for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
scanf("%d", &Arr[i]);
for(int i = n / 2 - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
minHeap(Arr, n, i);
printf("\nMin Heap : ");
for(int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++)
printf("%d ", Arr[i]);
return 0;
Input :
Enter number of elements : 5
Enter the elements : 90 70 10 30 50
Output : 10 30 90 70 50
But, when I try building the heap on paper, this is the output I get:-
Expected Output : 10 30 70 90 50
Can someone point out the error here for me?
Your program is working correctly. It's your calculation which is at fault.
A simple visualisation of the steps is as follows.
90 heapify(Arr,1)
/ \ swap(1,3)
>70 10
/ \
30 50
>90 heapify(Arr,0)
/ \ swap(0,2)
30 10
/ \
70 50
/ \
30 90
/ \
70 50
The resultant minheap should be 10 30 90 70 50