An answer is required in React Native.
<View className="parent1">
<Text>hello with green</Text>
<Text>hello with default color</Text>
Now I want to add CSS to Text which has a parent whose classname is parent1 in React Native.
If you want to give CSS for the text tag which has parent classname as parent1 then follow these steps:
const stylesB = StyleSheet.create(
color: '#ffffff',
color: '#ffffff',
color: '#ffffff',
color: '#ffffff',
<View className="parent1" styles={stylesB}> //give styles as stylesB instead of giving stylesB.Text
<Text>hello with green</Text>
<Text>hello with default color</Text>
This change will show color white for children of tag which have classname parent1 and whose tags are Text, p, h1, and h3.