I have started working on multithreading and point cloud processing. Problem is i have to implement multithreading onto an existing implementation and there are so many read and write operation so using mutex does not give me enough speed up in terms of performance due to too many read operations from the grid
At the end i modified the code in a way that i can have one vtkSmartPointer<vtkUnstructuredGrid>
which holds my point cloud. The only operation the threads have to do is accessing points using GetPoint method. However, it is not thread safe even when you have read-only operation due to smart pointers.
Because of that i had to copy my main Point cloud for each thread which at the end causes memory issues if i have too many threads and big clouds.
I tried to cut point clouds into chunks but then it gets too complicated again when i have too many threads. I can not guarantee optimized amount of points to process for each thread. Also i do neighbour search for each point so cutting point cloud into chunks gets even more complicated because i need to have overlaps for each chunk in order to get proper neighbourhood search.
Since vtkUnstructuredGrid
is memory optimized i could not replace it with some STL containers. I would be happy if you can recommend me data structures i can use for point cloud processing that are thread-safe to read. Or if there is any other solution i could use.
Thanks in advance
I just thought i post the solution because it was actually my stupitidy. I realized that at one part of my code i was using double* vtkDataSet::GetPoint(vtkIdType ptId)
version of GetPoint()
which is not thread safe.
For multithreaded code void vtkDataSet::GetPoint(vtkIdType id,double x[3])
should be used.