As I understand, while using Schema registry confluent docker image ( not with zookeeper resiliency, but with kafka resiliency), we can advertise the hostname of the container to Kafka by using the SCHEMA_REGISTRY_HOST_NAME
env variable.
If I try to use the SCHEMA_REGISTRY_PORT
I get the following error :
PORT is deprecated. Please use SCHEMA_REGISTRY_LISTENERS instead.
Why cannot we set the port associated ? I can get this dynamic port ( the dynamic port the host machine mapped dynamically to my container) but how am I supposed to share it with Kafka ?
EDIT 1 :
To add more details, here is an example of assignment made by the schema registry coordinator :
[2019-10-25 11:55:47,813] INFO Finished rebalance with master election result: Assignment{version=1, error=0, master='sr-1-7a9a403a-63cc-4fed-b548-10ea440863d5', masterIdentity=version=1,host=,port=29932,scheme=http,masterEligibility=true} (io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.masterelector.kafka.KafkaGroupMasterElector)
As you can see there is a hostname and a port ( in bold).
The hostname comes from the variable SCHEMA_REGISTRY_HOST_NAME
but according to the code, the port comes from here :
* A Schema Registry instance's identity is in part the port it listens on. Currently the port can
* either be configured via the deprecated `port` configuration, or via the `listeners`
* configuration.
* <p>This method uses `Application.parseListeners()` from `rest-utils` to get a list of
* listeners, and returns the port of the first listener to be used for the instance's identity.
* <p></p>In theory, any port from any listener would be sufficient. Choosing the first, instead
* of say the last, is arbitrary.
// TODO: once RestConfig.PORT_CONFIG is deprecated, remove the port parameter.
static SchemeAndPort getSchemeAndPortForIdentity(int port, List<String> configuredListeners,
String requestedScheme)
So the only way to advertize the port is by setting it using the listeners, which can be annoying ( but still feasible as a workaround).
Ok, I made a working Nomad template file, maybe this might help. The workaround is to use the same dynamic port that nomad use for port mapping, inside the container, as follows :
job "schema-registry" {
datacenters = ["YOURDC"]
type = "service"
# Update strategy
update {
# Max instances (task groups) to be updated in parallel.
max_parallel = 1
# Once an allocation finishes, wait min_healthy_time until starting next one.
min_healthy_time = "10s"
# If allocation not healthy after healthy_deadline, mark as unhealthy.
healthy_deadline = "3m"
# If allocation unhealthy after progress_deadline, fail the deployment.
progress_deadline = "10m"
# Should auto revert to previous version if the deployment fails?
auto_revert = false
# Create n canaries.
canary = 0
spread {
attribute = "${attr.unique.hostname}"
weight = 100
migrate {
# As in update stanza.
max_parallel = 1
# "checks" for health checks or "task_state" for task state.
health_check = "checks"
# As in update stanza.
min_healthy_time = "10s"
# As in update stanza.
healthy_deadline = "5m"
# The "group" stanza defines a series of tasks that should be co-located on
# the same Nomad client.
group "schema-registry-group" {
# count of instances of the "schema-registry" task group
count = 3
restart {
# The number of attempts to run the job within the specified interval.
attempts = 2
interval = "30m"
# The "delay" parameter specifies the duration to wait before restarting
# a task after it has failed.
delay = "5s"
# What if after a few restats within `interval` the `attempts` limit is meet?
# - "delay" mode delays the next restart until the next interval,
# - "fail" mode does not restart the task.
mode = "fail"
# Use ephemeral disk shared between tasks instead of HDD
ephemeral_disk {
size = 300
task "schema-registry" {
driver = "docker"
# Driver (docker) settings.
config {
image = "confluentinc/cp-schema-registry"
# We cannot use this as schema registry will use the LISTENERS config to advertize its port..
#port_map {
# schema_registry_port = 8081
# Time to shut down after SIGINT.
# Caution! If want to set higher than 30s,
# make sure max_kill_timeout allows that.
kill_timeout = "30s"
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
shutdown_delay = "2s"
env {
# Max required storage = (max_files * 2) * max_file_size
# *2 because there's a log file for stderr and stdout
logs {
max_files = 10
max_file_size = 15
# Required resources.
resources {
cpu = 500 # 500 MHz
memory = 512
network {
port "schema_registry_port" {} # defined in port_map
service {
name = "schema-registry"
tags = ["schema-registry"]
port = "schema_registry_port"
check {
name = "alive"
type = "tcp"
interval = "60s"
timeout = "4s"