When I install ELM via yarn, I get
-- ERROR -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Something went wrong while fetching the following URL:
It is saying:
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
NOTE: You can avoid npm entirely by downloading directly from: https://github.com/elm/compiler/releases/download/0.19.1/binary-for-windows-64-bit.gz
When I manually browse to https://github.com/elm/compiler/releases/download/0.19.1/binary-for-windows-64-bit.gz. I get
However other people can access the link and it downloads the file.
HOSTS File: view-localhost # view localhost server mydevsnapcap.com www.mydevsnapcap.com app.mydevsnapcap.com internal.mydevsnapcap.com mssplus.mcafee.com
Edit This use to work a few days ago.
More tests: I cannot access it from my phone and pc using my fibre connection, but I can access it on both my phone and mobile using my mobile connection.
It turns out that it was my ISP that was for some reason blocking the link. I switch to using the google dns and all is good in the hood: https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using