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find roc/auc/auc-roc score for single class 1's in y_true variable

How to calculate auc or roc or auc-roc score from y_true and y_pred values for SINGLE CLASS in y_true using python code.

I have checked various similar questions on stackoverflow and internet but the task is not solved or the output is not that is expected.

Here is example of y_true and y_pred values.

y_true = numpy.array([1,1,1])

y_pred = numpy.array([0.36,0.82,0.46])


y_true = [1,1,1]

y_pred = [0.36,0.82,0.46]

As a mention, I have checked with various built-in functions of python libraries and found that although the true-positive-rate can be found but the false-positive-rate is shown as nan or not a number.

tensorflow and/or theano and/or pytorch and/or caffe and/or sklearn and/or other python libraries or modified function of python can be used to find AUC or ROC or AUC-ROC score value from y_true of single class value 1's and y_pred predicted scores.

Please comment if you need more details.


  • If you will read about how roc auc works ( or you will understand, that roc auc it's not about scoring, it's about sorting. And there is answer on your question: if you try to calculate a class with one value, how can you sort it? - nohow, you can't sort it. That's why you can't calculate it.