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CTI integration Service Now + Twilio

I completed the CTI integration with Twilio. I am able to receive and place external calls. Based on the documentation, once Agent receives an internal call, it can only transfer to internal Agent. I need to either transfer to external party (Supervised transfer) or make a Conference call. Is this possible? If it is not, what other integration that is supported will allow me to do this. I currently don't have any Telephony system and we need agents to use Web Browser.

enter image description here


  • It's possible. I've done it within their Flex systems, not sure what CTI entails, but it sounds like they have the same limitations which is rooted in Taskrouter. You would have to make a custom button that extracts the customer callSid from the agent conference and sends that as a param to an endpoint that uses Twilio's REST API to update the customer call:

    1. Make custom UI button to extract CallSid of the customer in the active agent conference

    2. Hit an endpoint with the callSid as a param, and use Twilio REST API to update the callSid by passing in a URL, which is just issuing a redirect to another Twilio endpoint.

    3. Make this Twilio endpoint respond with TwiML, such as a dial verb to the transfer party's number or whatever TwiML you want to respond with.

    4. Be sure you wrap up and complete the tasks-- otherwise you won't be able to take on another task. Also in the callback urls for the redirect TwiML, be sure to specify the endConferenceOnExit events for your customer based on your use case.