I've got an experimental project at work where I have to check whether or not it is practical to use Typo3 in a headless way, with most of the Typo3 stuff still working.
For the Rest Api I'm using tx_rest to expose my endpoints.
In particular I'm currently trying to get the rendered html of a form, which was created by a backend user, with the Typo3 form framework, via ajax.
Does anyone know of a way to retrieve only the rendered html form from Typo3?
Does anyone know of a way to retrieve only the rendered html form from TYPO3?
Create a new PAGE
object with a custom number
formPage = PAGE
formPage.typeNum = 765
and set
formPage.config {
debug = 0
disableAllHeaderCode = 1
disablePrefixComment = 1
xhtml_cleaning = none
admPanel = 0
to prevent any other output and finally
formPage.10 < styles.content.get
(or use any other setup to fetch your content, this is just an example, that will output all contents of the current page in colPos 0)
Opening your page with https://myhost.com/my/path/?type=765
will then render anything on the page without any additional markup, just the output of your page content (e.g. the form plugin, etc.).