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PHPDoc and late (static or dynamic) binding

Most PHP IDEs rely on phpdoc to get hints about the type of an expression. Yet, I use frequently this pattern, which doesn't seem to be covered:

class Control {
    private $label = '';

    /** @return ??? */
    public static function Make(){ return new static(); }

    /** @return ??? */
    public function WithLabel($value){  $this->label = $value;  return $this;  }

    /** @return void */
    public function Render(){ /* ... */ }

class Textbox extends Control {
   private $text = '';

    /** @return ??? */
    public function WithText($text){  $this->width = $text;  return $this;  }

Now I can use the classes like this:

Textbox::Make()           // <-- late static binding, returns Textbox
   ->WithLabel('foo')     // <-- late dynamic binding, returns Textbox
   ->WithText('bar')      // <-- normal binding, returns Textbox

Is there any way to replace the '???'s with something so that the typing information is correct?


  • For static methods in classes that may be extended:

    /** @return static */

    For final-static methods:

    /** @return Control */

    For non-static methods:

    /** @return $this */

    but it's not documented in phpdoc manual

    Note that nowadays any Intelij IED (like PhpStorm 2019), does support all three static, $this, and self (as return type in PhpDoc).