I have been working on a project with Django on the back-end and amp on the front-end; although I am having some troubles to link both tags like the lightbox
I would like to get a list of first images on my product page (I have done it) and by clicking on an image it displays me the other images of that object on a lightbox
without going to the detail template.
The whole project is updated on GitHub at: https://github.com/lucasrf27/dealership
That is the amp
code that I am trying to. I am trying this one on test.amp.html
besides put on my category. (product template)
{% for v in veiculos %}
<amp-img lightbox="cars" src="{{ v.first_image.imagem.url }}" width="" height="" layout="fill" alt="{{v.modelo}}">
<amp-carousel lightbox="cars" width="350" height="350" type="slides">
{% for v in veiculos %}
<amp-img lightbox="cars" src="{{ v.first_image.imagem.url }}" width="300" height="400" alt="{{v.modelo}}">
<amp-carousel lightbox="cars" width="350" height="350" type="slides">
{% for p in veiculos.images.all %}
<amp-img lightbox="cars" src="{{p.imagem.url}}" width="" height="" layout="fill" alt="{{v.modelo}}"></amp-img>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- These will belong to a different lightbox gallery -->
<amp-img lightbox="another" src="image3.jpg" width="400" height="300" layout="responsive"></amp-img>
<amp-img lightbox="another" src="image4.jpg" width="400" height="300" layout="responsive"></amp-img>
When I open the images from the lightbox
on a new URL,
I get this one: (404)
However the image is in this one:
Is there some sort of media_prefix
or something like that?
i've got the results in a silly way. besides setting on my views or my template a set up a object in function like i did in first_image but for the second and the other 2 it got like:
{% for v in veiculos %}
<amp-carousel lightbox width="1600" height="900" layout="responsive" type="slides">
<amp-img src="{{v.first_image.imagem.url}}" width="200" height="100"></amp-img>
<amp-img src="{{v.second_image.imagem.url}}" width="200" height="100"></amp-img>
{% endfor %}
def first_image(self):
return self.images.first()
def second_image(self):
return self.images.all()[1]
if anyone in the future is not understanding the project try to access: https://github.com/lucasrf27/dealership