I have installed anaconda3, and created some environments from the command line:
(base) ➜ ~ conda env list
# conda environments:
scratchpad /Users/adamg/.conda/envs/scratchpad
test /Users/adamg/.conda/envs/test
base * /Users/adamg/anaconda3
convokit /Users/adamg/anaconda3/envs/convokit
scholar /Users/adamg/anaconda3/envs/scholar
swda /Users/adamg/anaconda3/envs/swda
However, in PyCharm, none of these environments show up. In addition, as seen below, on the screen "Add Python Interpreter" there is a message at the bottom that says "Conda executable not found". I've tried to find solutions using that error message, but have not come up with anything.
What am I missing here?
I am running PyCharm Professional 2019.2, and MacOS 10.15.
You need to define the Python path.
Activate into the desired environment source activate swda
, Run which python
from to locate the Python path that is under Anaconda, and then press the three dots ...
right to the "interpreter" and paste the python path.
Or simply look for the Python executable through the UI and add it as the interpreter.