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Filter Dataframe Using Bokeh Dropdown Widget/CustomJS

I have to make a standalone html dashboard so I'm trying to figure out how to add a callback to a bokeh dropdown widget using CustomJS. Problem is even after consulting other posts on variations on the subject I still can't figure it out. Any help would be appreciated! Ultimately, I would use the dropdown to filter a stacked bar chart, but I want to take a stab at figuring that out on my own after messing with filtering the datatable first.

I've consulted Filtering dataframe using Bokeh/Widget/Callback, Bokeh datatable filtering inconsistency, and Filtering dataframe using Bokeh/Widget/Callback, and Python bokeh CustomJS callback update DataTable widget. Additionally, I've been going through the docs at,

import pandas as pd
from bokeh.models.widgets import Dropdown
from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, DataTable, TableColumn, CustomJS
from import show, output_file, output_notebook, reset_output

raw_data = {'ORG': ['APPLE', 'ORANGE', 'MELON'],
            'APPROVED': [5, 10, 15],
            'CREATED': [1, 3, 5],
            'INPROCESS': [4,2,16]}

df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data)

# create list of orgs to use later
org_l = list(df['ORG'].unique())

# create CDS for source
src = ColumnDataSource(df)

# create cols
table_columns = [TableColumn(field = Ci, title = Ci) for Ci in df.columns] 

# create filtered table
filtered_df = df.loc[df['ORG']=='f']

# create CDS for filtered source
new_src = ColumnDataSource(filtered_df)

# create dropdown
dropdown = Dropdown(label="Dropdown button", button_type="warning", menu = org_l)

callback_code = """"
                var data =;
                var new_data =;
                var f = cb_obj.value;
                var list = org_l;
                if var i = org_list[i] {


callback=CustomJS(args=dict(dropdown = dropdown,source=src),

# create table
member_table = DataTable(source = new_src, columns = table_columns)

dropdown.js_on_change('value', callback)

show(widgetbox(dropdown, member_table))



  • Ok with a lot of trial and error and with pointers from bigreddot I got the below to work.

    import pandas as pd
    from bokeh.models.widgets import Select
    from bokeh.layouts import widgetbox
    from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, DataTable, TableColumn, CustomJS
    from import show, output_file, output_notebook, reset_output
    from bokeh.layouts import row, column, layout
    raw_data = {'ORG': ['APPLE', 'ORANGE', 'MELON'],
            'APPROVED': [5, 10, 15],
            'CREATED': [1, 3, 5],
            'INPROCESS': [4,2,16]}
    df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data)
    # create CDS for source
    src1 = ColumnDataSource(df)
    # create cols
    table_columns1 = [TableColumn(field = Ci, title = Ci) for Ci in df.columns]
    # original data table
    data_table1 = DataTable(source=src1, 
                       columns=table_columns, width=400, height=280)
    # create empty dataframe to hold variables based on selected ORG value
    df2 = pd.DataFrame({'status':['APPROVED', 'CREATED', 'INPROCESS'],
                   'count':[float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan')]})
    # create CDS for empty dataframe
    src2 = ColumnDataSource(df2)
    # create cols
    table_columns2 = [TableColumn(field = Ci, title = Ci) for Ci in    df2.columns] 
    callback = CustomJS(args=dict(src1=src1, src2=src2), code='''
    var count = ['APPROVED', 'CREATED', 'INPROCESS'];
    if (cb_obj.value != 'Please choose...') {
        var org =['ORG'];
        var ind = org.indexOf(cb_obj.value);
        for (var i = 0; i < count.length; i++) {
  ['count'][i] =[count[i]][ind];
    else {
        for (var i = 0; i < status.length; i++) {
  ['status'][i] = undefined;
    options = ['Please choose...'] + list(['ORG'])
    select = Select(title='Test', value=options[0], options=options)
    select.js_on_change('value', callback2)
    show(column(select, data_table2))