Requested behaviour:
I would like to create a search form in Google Sheets to query a table that I use as a database.
The original table is on a different sheet than the search form. The final searchform should have more than 10 searchable categories.
Current State
Since the original table is in a different sheet than the search form, my idea has been to import the table by a dynamic query() function.
I created two input search input fields and a field where the user can switch between "OR" and "AND". I also created a query function that connects these 3 search terms. The change between "OR" and "AND" search works (with the first approach).
First approach:
=QUERY('Geschäftsvorfälle'!A2:AG1000, "select * WHERE A="&B4&" "&D1&" B='"&B5&"'")
Second approach:
=QUERY('Geschäftsvorfälle'!A2:AG1000, "select * " &if(B5="Alle",, "WHERE B='"&B5&"'") &if(B4="",, "WHERE A="&B4&""))
The first approach works with the "OR" search but gives an empty sheet back if I use multiple search terms. It also throws a "VALUE" error if leave one search term blank. The second approach throws a "VALUE" error if I use multiple search terms even there should be matching rows.
Is there a way to make this kind of a searchform work in Google Sheets? If yes is it possible to do it with query()
and how do I do it? Could you provide some example screenshots or code?
"where "&TEXTJOIN(" "&D1&" ", 1,
IF(B4<>"", " A="&B4, ),
IF(B5<>"", " B='"&B5&"'", ),
IF(B6<>"", " lower(F) contains '"&LOWER(B6)&"'", )), 1)