I need to accept the following strings and put them into a type collection and pass it to a procedure
String Cars = Dodge Charger||Ford Mustang||Chevy Camro||Ford GT
String Cost = 35,000||25,000||29,000|55,000
String CarDesc = Power House||Sweet Ride||Too Cool||Blow your door off
How do I transform the records so they will be like the following?
Dodge Charger||35,000||Power House
Ford Mustang||25,00||Sweet Ride
Chevy Camro||29,000||Too Cool
Ford GT||55,000||Blow your door off
How do I parse them into an array?
The types:
create or replace TYPE "CAR_OBJ"
Price Number,
CarDesc VARCHAR2 (100));
create or replace TYPE "CAR_IN_ARR"
procedure car_values (
p_in_upd_car car_in_arr,
p_out_upd_results out car_out_cur
I have tried all kinds of for loops and I just can't get it in the right order
Thank you soo much
The double delimiter ||
makes this hard, so I cheated by replacing them with ~
. Probably there is a neater way to handle this with a single regex, or a more elaborate approach using substr
and instr
Also I've assumed the cost
example should be 35,000||25,000||29,000||55,000
The real code should probably confirm that all the strings contain the same number of delimiters. Also you might want to parse the cost value into a number.
inCars long := 'Dodge Charger||Ford Mustang||Chevy Camro||Ford GT';
inCost long := '35,000||25,000||29,000||55,000';
inCarDesc long := 'Power House||Sweet Ride||Too Cool||Blow your door off';
type varchar2_tt is table of varchar2(50);
cars varchar2_tt := varchar2_tt();
costs varchar2_tt := varchar2_tt();
carDescs varchar2_tt := varchar2_tt();
inCars := replace(inCars,'||','~');
inCost := replace(inCost,'||','~');
inCarDesc := replace(inCarDesc,'||','~');
cars.extend(regexp_count(inCars,'~') +1);
costs.extend(regexp_count(inCost,'~') +1);
carDescs.extend(regexp_count(inCarDesc,'~') +1);
for i in 1..cars.count loop
cars(i) := regexp_substr(inCars,'[^~]+', 1, i);
costs(i) := regexp_substr(inCost,'[^~]+', 1, i);
carDescs(i) := regexp_substr(inCarDesc,'[^~]+', 1, i);
dbms_output.put_line(cars(i) || '||' || costs(i) || '||' || carDescs(i));
end loop;