OK, to start off I am a complete beginner in a computer science class. I could ask my teacher, but I don't have time to do so. So, expect some really dumb errors that I can't see and I am using eclipse.
here's my code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int something()
int big = 1000;//largest number is 1000
int small = 1;//smallest number is 1
//so, best guess is to go in the middle
int c;//my guesses
int inequality;//used to write if statements
for (int a = 0; a <= 10; a++)
cout << "Think about a number between 1-1000" << endl;//what console tells you
c = (big - small) / 2;//my guess will be the midpoint of the two numbers
while (big > small)//while the highest number is ALWAYS greater than the lowest number
cout << "Is your number less than, equal to, or greater than my guess? 1-less,2-equal,3-greater" << c << endl;
cin >> inequality;//you tell me whether my guess is too high, low, or equal
if (inequality == 1)//if you say it is too low...
small = c;//the smallest number is now my last guess
c = c - (big - small) / 2;//so, I'll take the midpoint of the CURRENT biggest and smallest number
else if (inequality == 2)//if you say it is equal...
cout << "Yay, I guessed your number." << endl;//cool.
else if (inequality == 3)//if you say it is too high...
big = c;//biggest number is now my guess
c = c + (big - small) / 2;//so, I'll take the midpoint of the CURRENT biggest and smallest number
return 0;//returns something in int main function
int main()
something();//so I can actually do code.
So my problem:
If I enter 1 after the console enters the first guess, I get 499, which is fine. After the second guess (where I enter 1), I get 249, which is also fine. However, the third guess after I enter 1 gets a random 681, so could someone help me?
It would be most appreciated if you did not rewrite the entire code for me, otherwise that is really suspicious when I turn it in. I am struggling because I do not have very good computer science background, so to improve, I need ideas mostly. Lastly, any way to make my code look a LITTLE more professional would be appreciated :)
Also, my for loop may be a bit off, I'm not sure.
When you calculate next number you need to change range
So you have first
small guess big
if user says too small, then the answer is above the guess, so in the range
big - guess
and that is what you need to cut in half so instead of
c = c - (big - small)/2
guess = (big - guess) / 2 + guess
if user says too big then the answer is between guess and small
guess = (guess - small) / 2 + small